All Mod Cons

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Educational Failure and Social Justice

On Wednesday (Nov 15th 2006) the interim report of the Social Justice policy group on educational failure was discussed on the Simon Mayo radio programme. You can still listen to it as it was chosen for the Daily Mayo podcast.

It featured amongst others A - lister and Director of the Centre for Social Justice group Philippa Stroud and centred on their conclusion that white working class boys are the new underclass.

The SJPG conclude in their report;

"that it is social and cultural factors, such as parental indifference to education, peer pressure, high levels of family breakdown and parental drug and alcohol abuse, which really drive educational failure."

and IDS is quoted as saying

“The policy-making implications are clear. To prevent the growth of an uneducated and unemployable underclass of forgotten children, we have to get their parents to engage in their learning and schooling from an early age.”

How you do that is a much harder question to answer.


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