All Mod Cons

Monday, November 20, 2006

A Top Welsh Blog

Lot's of politicians are getting into blogging these days. They won't all be read as widely as Iain Dale or David Cameron are but there is a place for every one that is prepared to put a little of themselves into the blog.

An example of a really interesting blog is Cardiff Bay Reflections written Glyn Davies the Conservative Assembly Member for Mid and West Wales.

Gentle and full of gentle humour it is regularly updated and gives a genuine insight into the inner workings of the Welsh Assembly.

Today's entry begins;

"I got it wrong in my post on the standard of biscuits that Rhodri Morgan serves at meetings (which Nick Bourne tells us varies depending on the importance of the meeting). When it gets really serious he upgrades to sticky cakes. Apparently this is something to do with Sue Essex, who has always been the power behind Rhodri's throne. Last year when parry leaders were sorting out the budget row, Sue was in control telling Rhodri exactly what he could and could not say. And I daresay that the same applies this year. ..."

It continues...

One of the themes of the Glyn Davies blog is to promote the idea of a rainbow coalition for the Assembly without Labour. It freaks out some Conservatives but we have to realise that being prepared to form a coalition is a important part of showing people in Wales that we have accepted the devolution settlement. What's more the Conservative Party is a party for government not a pressure group.


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