Bob Piper Race Row Grows
It's fascinating to see how a story like this grows. Now that the BBC and Iain Dale have the story it is likely that it will make it into the newspapers tomorrow. How big it hits will depend on what else is going on.
It's worth asking is the image actually racist? I'd say no. To consider it as such it could only be on the grounds that the Black and White Minstrels are inherently racist and thus to reintroduce them into the our culture in anyway is in some way to encourage racism.
I think thats not true. However what the image does do is still pretty nasty. It's purpose is to accuse David Cameron of the racial sensitivity of say Ron Atkinson - as someone who would both use the N word in an inappropriate context and consider "blacking up" an appropriate way to show being in touch.
It goes without saying this has no foundation in the truth.
It's satire though - they say - a joke - I would have some sympathy if it wasn't for the fact that time and time again others have been driven out of their positions for a lot less. Society has a low tolerance of this sort of thing now as you could say "that joke isn't funny anymore".
It's worth asking is the image actually racist? I'd say no. To consider it as such it could only be on the grounds that the Black and White Minstrels are inherently racist and thus to reintroduce them into the our culture in anyway is in some way to encourage racism.
I think thats not true. However what the image does do is still pretty nasty. It's purpose is to accuse David Cameron of the racial sensitivity of say Ron Atkinson - as someone who would both use the N word in an inappropriate context and consider "blacking up" an appropriate way to show being in touch.
It goes without saying this has no foundation in the truth.
It's satire though - they say - a joke - I would have some sympathy if it wasn't for the fact that time and time again others have been driven out of their positions for a lot less. Society has a low tolerance of this sort of thing now as you could say "that joke isn't funny anymore".
I hardly think "It's purpose is to accuse David Cameron of the racial sensitivity of say Ron Atkinson - as someone who would both use the N word in an inappropriate context and consider "blacking up" an appropriate way to show being in touch."
but is inviting a far from popular u.s. rapper to share "tea" an appropriate way to show being in touch with the uk black music scene?
perhaps you can find a quote in support of that assertion on MoT's blog?
By Scrybe, at 1:59 am
Mmhhh - You know when I saw the image I had entirely forgotten David's comments regarding gangster rap and I did't follow that stuff very closely at the time (other stuff in my life i guess).
I stand by my point pretty much though. While MoT was using hyperbole in its satire the basic point was to say DC was (not a racist) but extremely out of touch and over eagar to please to the point of causing offence.
The irony is that by using a "blacked up" image Unity overstepped the mark so wildly that the effect was that it was he not DC who was the one who was marked as being out of touch.
I don't don't think DC has ever claimed to be a massive fan of the UK black music scene (more a Six Music than a 1xtra type of chap I suspect) and perhaps he isn't up to date on it's finer points but to use that to justify that image was IMHO a pretty poor argument.
By Modern Conservative, at 11:06 pm
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